Another source for tandem touring inspiration

Or actually for any bike touring.

Recently I somehow decided to jump on a tandem again. Once you tried that type of a bike it is difficult to resist the temptation to get back tandeming again. So for now I am contemplating how to have one without spending a fortune.  Will go with some “budget” tandem options, most likely with the second hand one and likely it is going to be something from KHS or Cannondale. Or shall I ship one from Daves? Ha, lets keep it for Lithuanian tandemistas!

Never the less while going through the web jungles I happen to find a great source packed with images of loaded touring bicycles. I think that was the web site where I saw fully tour loaded folding bicycles first. This is how I encountered Bike Fridays for a first time too. If you wanna have one amazing spin around a world with a bike please go on a

Here are some borrowed images containing tandem bicycles which are really inspiring!

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